
The English Lake District, United Kingdom
Caroline is a novelist, playwright and travel writer. Co-founder of Philosophy at the Brewery, Leeds Poetry, and Warehouse Writers she has lived and worked on four continents and attended eleven schools. Her favourite places to be - if she can get there - are Newfoundland, Syria, eastern seaboard of America, India and Scotland. She is the wife of a priest and has a PhD from the creative writing department of Glasgow University.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Last post - 6th January. What have I been doing in the last two months? What have I not. Just settling in to the task of Production Managing #APassionforKendal when on Friday 13th January I was told PhD viva was on 9th February. Got #APassionfor Kendal into some sort of shape, then spent two weeks remembering my thesis.  Viva was the BIG FREEZE in Kendal - black ice, Chris (partner) fell down all five of front door steps, couldn't even reach car, walked into town in gumboots, got on train in gumboots, got off train in gumboots and put on fashion boots, got to viva with 45 minutes to spare, had viva, got PhD (provided I did corrections correctly), had champagne and chips (fries) at Glasgow Central Station Hotel with Kate(daughter), got on train, got off train, got taxi, put on gumboots and got home. Next day started back on #APassionfor Kendal.  And more of that later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Caroline - you are a total hoot! Love your view of the 'normal' world!!!
    xoxo from myself and Chris
