
The English Lake District, United Kingdom
Caroline is a novelist, playwright and travel writer. Co-founder of Philosophy at the Brewery, Leeds Poetry, and Warehouse Writers she has lived and worked on four continents and attended eleven schools. Her favourite places to be - if she can get there - are Newfoundland, Syria, eastern seaboard of America, India and Scotland. She is the wife of a priest and has a PhD from the creative writing department of Glasgow University.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Whew - A passion for Kendal - 1000 people on Friday 700 Saturday amazing marching band, threnody, Riversides group lament and anthem. Excellent brass - and the acting was good too!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

SPQR stands for? The Senate and Populace of Rome.
A Passion for Kendal - 25 hours to go. Tuesday and Wednesday - gale force winds, banner broke a window in the Kendal Liberal Club, a man tore down the banners at Elephant Yard. Snow blown across from Newfoundland. It's all good.